I have learned so much in the past year and I have kept this rolling list in my head of life lessons. Most of these lessons were learned the hard way - and others were epiphanies after a small experience.
10. Australians are the most amazing people on the planet (next to Brazilians of course).
9. Everything you need fits into a small backpack.
8. Life is short - stop procrastinating.
7. Material things are nothing - when you die you leave it behind.
6. You are not your job.
5. Travel.
4. Live the life you WANT to live - not the one you HAVE to live. Don't listen to everyone else - they don't know they have a choice.
3. You are capable of everything. (ME? Running a triathlon?!?)
2. Don't be a victim. Just suck it up and do it you pussy.
1. Never change your life path for another person.
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