I just spent a couple of days in Cape Tribulation and it was amazing! We took walks in a forest that is 160 million years old! Its difficult to fathom. It was so beautiful and so green! We took a boat down the Daindree river, saw some crocs; and also went for a little jungle adventure speeding down cables. ! AMAZING! I have about 5 gazillion pictures of beach and trees... I will share them soon.
The most memorable part of Cape Tribulation is a beach party we attended the first day there. We were drinking at the hostel's pub with an American, an English girl, a French hippie, and my Aussie friend. We were just chatting about politics an a hippie came up and invited us to the beach party.
We walked through dark jungle to get there - with a couple of lighters to insure we didn't step on any toads. There were about 60 people around the beach pit fire. There was a group of locals with a guitar singing some Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, and the likes. A small group of Frenchies had a drum and a didjeridu (aboriginal instrument). A group of 3 hippies fire twirled to the rhythm of the music. The sky was clear and you could see the stars. All we really did was sing along and watch the fire twirlers. So far, the most magical night in Aus.
I have an Australian phone in case anyone wants to text or call: 0414336539
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